Your analytical skills will shine this month, use your problem-solving abilities to tackle challenges at work or in your daily life. Virgo, you will find yourself focusing on organisation, health, and wellbeing, October encourages you to prioritise your health and wellness. Consider implementing new routines, such as exercise or mindfulness practices, that promote both physical and mental well-being, small changes can lead to significant improvements. Career advancement comes through hard work, it is likely to pay off this month, expect recognition for your efforts at work, this could manifest as a promotion or new responsibilities, certainly voice your ideas, your insights will be valued and appreciated. Relationships deepen, whether it’s with family, friends, or a partner, your connections are set to grow this month, open conversations will strengthen bonds, so take the time to listen and share your thoughts and feelings. October is a great time to declutter your space and streamline your tasks, your natural organisational abilities will shine, making it easier to tackle projects and responsibilities that may have felt overwhelming. You may feel drawn to expand your knowledge this month, whether through formal education, self-study, or engaging discussions, embrace this curiosity, as it can lead to unexpected insights and growth. Overall, October presents a wonderful opportunity for introspection and improvement in various aspects of your life, stay grounded, trust your instincts, and embrace the changes that come your way. Wear black for luck and a black tourmaline crystal for protection, emotional stability and grounding.
Lucky Colour – Black
Lucky Crystal – Black Tourmaline

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